Your Learning Edge
/Challenging yourself to do something new or different can be difficult. How can you enjoy this experience as much as possible and take care of yourself while you grow?
Read MoreChallenging yourself to do something new or different can be difficult. How can you enjoy this experience as much as possible and take care of yourself while you grow?
Read MoreDifficult situations are everywhere and especially important to the budding entrepreneur. Here are some thoughts on the nature of difficult things, and why it's worth stick through it.
Read MoreSome people are really nervous about trying to start a business or being self employed. Many of the things we're most afraid of are also the things that are most worthwhile!
Read MoreThe act of becoming an entrepreneur is a courageous act. If you don't know what your dream business is, a thing you can do to prepare is practice courage.
Read MoreSometimes outcomes are not directly linked to how hard we work. How do we stay motivated to keep working when the results seem completely unrelated?
Read MoreTechnically, if you operate a business, then you're an entrepreneur, however I don't think that was the actual question you were asking. This could be interpreted as an epic question of identity, however, for the purposes of this blog post, I'm going to interpret it as a question about if you have the right skills and qualities to become an entrepreneur.
Read MoreA lot of being an entrepreneur is a lot more circuitous than a well-laid and direct plan. Whether you're already running your business, or if you're just thinking about it, you can start cultivating the tools you'll need at any time. The sooner you get started, the sooner your business will be thriving and as an added bonus you'll likely be enjoying your business far more!
Read MoreWhen starting a business, it's generally necessary to have at least one phase where you tighten your belt. This isn't the most fun experience for most people, however there is a hidden opportunity here; an opportunity that has the potential to feel more like freedom than limitation.
Read MoreAs a solo-entrepreneur, you need a website, it shouldn't cost you a ton, and it should be easy for you to update. Here are three leading platforms that are great resources for solo-entrepreneurs.
Read MoreAdmin staff are within your reach. They're key to growing your business and can dramatically improve your experience of your business. Read on to learn the logistics of finding your first admin staff.
Read MoreThis is one of the most important and most over-looked tools for the solo entrepreneur. (and everyone, really.) Celebrating your small accomplishments is acknowledging your success in small ways on a daily or weekly basis.
Read MoreHow do you deal with change when it relates to your business? Sometimes change makes us afraid and we try to keep things the same since there is comfort in the expected. But this can create an energetic dam that is bound to fill up and lead to stressful and sudden change. So how do we deal with that?
Read MoreImprove your effeciency with a DIGITAL to do list!
Read MoreInspiration comes from the weirdest places! Here are three entrepreneurial tips inspired by the follies of some reality TV show businesses.
Read MoreIn this first blog post, I share my early reflections on self-employment.
Read MoreMaggie Karshner is a self-employment coach based in Seattle and Tacoma, Washington. She specializes in coaching solo entrepreneurs and owner-operated small businesses in industries such as real estate, mental health therapy, massage therapy, yoga, doulas, and non-profit.
Maggie's coaching practice encompasses one on one coaching, group coaching, and asynchronous learning via the member area of the website.
As seen on King5's New Day NW and in The Seattle Times.
Business Plans. Are they archaic? Vital? Confusing AF? This is the first of a series of articles designed for self-employed businesses and people critical of capitalism. This series will go in-depth into each component of a business plan. This first article is an overview going through all the parts of a business plan. By understanding the components, it will become less monolithic. You might realize you know more than you thought, or that you've missed a key thing. Launch your business smartly with a solid plan!
4501 15th Avenue South, Ste 103, Seattle WA 98108
423 E Wright Ave, Tacoma WA 98404
Copyright 2024 by Maggie Karshner, self-employment coach. Powered by Squarespace
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You're self-employment curious, but you're not even sure what your business is or does. It's not clear to you what your business does and what it means to know what it does. You want to have confidence in knowing the general form of your business. I'll help orient you to the basics of your business. This also addresses what's required of the Executive Summary and Company Description sections of a business plan.