An Unexpected Tool for Living Your Best Life

An Unexpected Tool for Living Your Best Life

Seeing as this blog is mostly about starting a self-employed business, I can see how an article on meditation might seem off topic. In actuality, I’ve found that meditation is a vital tool as a business owner. Read on to see if I can get you on the meditation bandwagon!

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Afraid of Self-Employment Failure? Develop a Plan!

Afraid of Self-Employment Failure? Develop a Plan!

If you’re afraid of launching your self-employed business a plan can be an easy way to alleviate some of your fears. You don’t have to leap blindly, you can have a plan for each of the three phases most people go through when launching their self-employed business. You’ll also find that having a solid plan B is both motivating and comforting.

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How to Cure the "Never Enough" Feeling

How to Cure the "Never Enough" Feeling

It’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling like there’s never enough, whether that sentence ends with stuff, money or time. Here’s an article that investigates this feeling and helps to reframe “never enough” into “enough” leading to more joy and a greater impact.

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How to Embrace Self-Employment with Sanity

How to Embrace Self-Employment with Sanity

Sometimes it can seem like self-employment is a race with a very ambiguous finish line. It benefits no-one if you exhaust yourself, and yet it can be hard to shift gears so that you’re living a balanced life while building your business. Here’s a metaphor that seems to help bring sanity to the over-achiever inside each of us.

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How Self-Employed Entrepreneurs Can Contribute to Solving Big Problems

How Self-Employed Entrepreneurs Can Contribute to Solving Big Problems

Have you ever felt that your self-employment journey is too small to make a meaningful impact? Conscientious solo business owners can face a profound sense of helplessness in a world filled with colossal challenges. By examining the interplay between ego, independence, and interdependence, I’ll shed light on how small, individual efforts can create ripples in a vast web of interconnected systems. I’ll offer actionable insights to help you break out of a place of stuckness and recognize your true impact.

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Unexpected Self-Employment Advice: Fire That Client

Unexpected Self-Employment Advice: Fire That Client

It might seem counter-intuitive, but firing a client can be vital to keeping your self-employed business afloat! Read on to learn more about why that is and also how to identify a client you should fire, and how to do the firing.

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Feminism is the Strength You Need to Launch Your Business

Feminism is the Strength You Need to Launch Your Business

Feminism has offered a critique of the working world, and I believe the trends it's noted have a correlation with trends I notice among women entrepreneurs. In addition to an explanation, I offer some strategies to bring feminism into your self-employed life. 

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How Do I Pick the Best Name for My Business?

How Do I Pick the Best Name for My Business?

Picking a name for your business is a very important decision. And it shouldn't be the thing that's holding you up from launching your business. This article covers some important things to consider when picking a name for your business, as well as a basic strategy for developing and testing a business name. 

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Fantastic Coworking: 4 Steps to a Successful Work Date

Fantastic Coworking: 4 Steps to a Successful Work Date

This is for all the lonely solopreneurs who are struggling to understand why past coworking experiences didn't go well. The success of a work date comes from clear expectations. Regardless of if it’s body doubling, collaborative ad-hoc sessions, or a standing weekly appointment, I’ll help you clarify your goals for your coworking. By the end of this article, you’ll be on the path toward more productive and gratifying coworking sessions!

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